EuroREA 2/2005

© EXREA / EXARC, 2005
ISSN: 1214-9551; ISBN: 80-239-5559-4
Size: A5, 152 pages

The second volume of ‘EuroREA’ again brings you a taste of the current happenings in experimental archaeology across Europe.

We would like to underline with ‘EuroREA’ the repeatability of experiments, as repeatibility is one of the fundamental principles of archaeological experiment. The experiment need not only to be carried out but also to be published, as publication gives us the possibility of avoiding the mistakes of previous experiments in the future.

‘EuroREA’ not only allows for information exchange but also for the discussion of problems which experimenters face. What is the position of experimental archaeology within archaeology? How to gain reliable information? What is the best way of communicating the information gained?

Another problem area in the use of experiment is education. The advantage of publishing experiences learnt from demonstrations of experiments and archaeological presentations to the public is the possibility to compare their quality and also comparing the principles and work of open-air museums.

In the second issue (all articles are available as PDF):

A Method of Wood Tar Production, Without the Use of Ceramics (PDF)
STUDIES - Grzegorz Osipowicz (PL)

Scientific experiments: a possibility?... (PDF)
STUDIES - Yvonne M. J. Lammers-Keijsers (NL)

Model of a horizontal treadle loom (PDF)
ITEMS - Helena Březinova, Michal Ernee (CZ)

Description de la fabrication expérimentale du grain d’enfilage en akène de Lithospermum de type 2 et de la pendeloque à ailettes globulaires (PDF)
ITEMS - Paulette Pauc (FR), Patrick Moinat (CH), Jacques Reinhard (CH)

Assumptive holes and how to fill them (PDF)
ITEMS - Penny Cunningham (UK)

The process of fulling of wool (PDF)
ITEMS - Roeland Paardekooper (NL)

Baking Bread in a Reconstructed Bread-Oven of the Late Iron Age (PDF)
ITEMS - Ieva Pigozne-Brinkmane (LV)

Interpretation based on experience (PDF)
EDUCATION - Mette Nicolajsen (DK)

Die pädagogische Nutzung des Archäologisch-Ökologischen
Zentrums Albersdorf (Deutschland)

EDUCATION - Rudiger Kelm, Albersdorf (DE)

How to publish Experimental Archaeology? (PDF)
DISCUSSION including:

  1. Publishing Archaeological Experiments: a quick guide for the uninitiated Alan K. Outram (UK)
  2. For the Reader’s Sake: Publishing Experimental Archaeology James R. Mathieu (USA)
  3. Remarks to the publication of archaeological experiments Martin Schmidt (D)
  4. Presentation of Archaeology and Archaeological Experiment Radomir Tichy (CZ)
  5. Principles of experimental research in archaeology Peter Kelterborn (CH)

Experimental Archaeology in Media (PDF)
REPORTS - Wojciech Borkowski (PL)

Ildikó Poroszlai (1955 – 2005) (PDF)
REPORTS - Magda Vicze (HU)

Le Parc de la Préhistoire de Tarascon sur Ariège (PDF)
REPORTS - Jean Papineschi (FR)

The Taste of the Past in Kernave (PDF)
REPORTS - Jolanta Paškeviciene (LT)

In brief (PDF)
REPORTS - Roeland Paardekooper (NL)

The Iceman Murder(PDF)
REVIEWS - J. Kateřina Dvořakova (UK)

Merryn Dineley: Barley, Malt and Ale in the Neolithic (PDF)
REVIEWS Hywel Keen (UK)

Please find below the articles from this issue, which are available as HTML.

Reviewed Articles