EuroREA 3/2006

© EXREA / EXARC, 2006
ISSN: 1214-9551; ISBN 13: 978-90-78657-01-9
Size: A4, 100 pages

Our modern hurried way of life is opening a deeper and deeper gorge between our lives and the lives of our ancestors. Often we all, including those in experimental archaeology, can only stand and admire their capabilities and versatility. Unfortunately, experimenters often find themselves more involved in the organising finance and dealing with paperwork rather then research. In this context, EuroREA asked experimenters from various parts of Europe in which direction the development of experimental archaeology should go in the near future.
Carrying out research though, is only one part of the work of experimental archaeologists. It is also necessary to relay the knowledge gained, not only to other experimenters and archaeologists. Results of experimental archaeology can be used to bring archaeological findings closer to the wide public and many experimental centres fulfil an important educational role. 
Should we pay more attention to what the public are interested in?
What are the limits to our reconstructions of prehistoric life?
How can we bring history to life responsibly?
These are just some of the dilemmas discussed on the following pages.

In the third issue (all articles are available as PDF):

Future of experimental archaeology (PDF)

Implications of crushed pottery in prehistoric pottery (PDF)
ITEMS - Martin Hložek, Radomír Tichý, Hana Dohnálková, Iva Dohnálková (CZ)

Construction of a circular ditch system and houses of the middle Neolithic (PDF)
ITEMS - Wolfgang F. A. Lobisser (AT)

Observations sur la fabrication expérimentale des étoffes cordées (PDF)
ITEMS - Fabienne Médard, François Moser (FR)

What is re-enactment for? (PDF)
EDUCATION - Kim Biddulph (UK)

Enfilage des coquilles de Columbella rustica et de Trivia europea (PDF)
ITEMS - Paulette Pauc, Alexandre Pauc (FR)

Pots and drums: an acoustic study of Neolithic pottery drums (PDF)
STUDIES - Lynda Aiano (UK)

Experimental Roman Minting (PDF)

Ancient wood, woodworking and wooden houses (PDF)
ITEMS – John M. Coles (UK)

The scientific basis for the reconstruction of prehistoric and protohistoric houses (PDF)
ITEMS - Peter J. Reynolds (UK)

Sad news from Archéodrome (PDF)
REPORTS - M.-C. Frere-Sautot (FR)

Canterbury Archaeological Trust celebrates its 30th birthday... (PDF)
EDUCATION - Marion Green (UK)

To Reconstruct a Sacrificial Site (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Egil Josefson, Jan Olofsson (SE)

Dioramas, (re)constructions and Experimental Archaeology (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Lara Comis (IT)

A contribution towards learning about “Forest Industries” (PDF)
REPORTS -  Bohumír Dragoun, Václav Matoušek, Jiří Woitsch (CZ)

The project “Delphi – House of Questions“ (PDF)
REPORTS -  Gunter Schöbel (DE)

Living History in an Early 14th Century Castle (PDF)
REPORTS - Sven-Hinrich Siemers (DE)

Sensing History with Hans-Ole Hansen (PDF)
INTERVIEW - Roeland Paardekooper (NL)

Use of Reconstruction in British TV Programmes (PDF)
REVIEWS -  J. Kateřina Dvořáková (UK)

Experimental Archaeology in Europe-Special Issue 1 (PDF)
REVIEWS -  Karola Müller (DE)

Archaeology Night on Czech TV (PDF)
REVIEWS -  Radomír Tichý (CZ)

Please find below the articles from this issue, which are available as HTML.

Reviewed Articles

To Reconstruct a Sacrificial Site

Egil Josefson and
Jan Olofsson (SE)

The site

Eketorp fort on southern Öland is a prehistoric ring fort excavated between 1964 and 1974. The excavations showed that the first fort on this location was built in the fourth century AD (Eketorp I). About one hundred years later, it was torn down and then re-built on the same spot. The new fifth-century ring fort (Eketorp II) served as a fortified farmers’ settlement for about 250 years until it was abandoned in the late seventh century (Borg, Näsman, & Wegraeus 1976).

The Scientific Basis for the Reconstruction of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Houses

Peter J. Reynolds (UK)

In 1966 just outside the boundary of a hill fort known as Kemerton Camp on top of Bredon Hill (Hencken 1939) in Worcestershire a small roundhouse was reconstructed, based upon the excavations carried out at Glastonbury Lake Village some fifty years before (Reynolds 1967a, Bullied and Grey 1911). A group of students under the guidance of Mr. Philip Barker of Birmingham University, carrying out a routine site visit, were deeply impressed to come across the three dimensional reality of something which had been previously discussed in vacuo.

Unreviewed Mixed Matters Articles