
Jason Hulott

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
jason [at] speediepr.co.uk
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

I have been studying and training in a range of Asian and European traditional martial arts for over 20 years. I run a number of medieval martial combat clubs (looking at combat as a martial art and not a sport) and also interested in earlier period combat of the Greeks and Romans.

Kees Huyser

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
kees [at] huyser.net
the Netherlands
Crafts & Skills

Since the early '90s of the last century I've been a re-enactor of both the Viking period, and of WW2. In my Viking persona I show kids and their parents what kit a warrior would have, such as a mail shirt, helmet, shield and sword and what the cost of such equipement would be.

Ricardo Jimenez e Oliveira Santana

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
santanna620 [at] gmail.com

I like the study of medieval castles and fortifications, not only for the military implications but for their construction methods, renovations and adaptations to new technologies through the eras an the many functions they had in a particularly society during their existence.

Stephen Fox BA MA

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
Steveythefox [at] gmail.com

I studied Archaeology at University College Dublin where I completed my BA and MA in Prehistoric and Experimental Archaeology in 2014. I have a particular interest in craftsmanship and embodied cognitive approaches to tool use, which I have personally explored through archery and bow-making.

Alice La Porta PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
alice.laporta [at] manchester.ac.uk
United Kingdom

I have recently submitted my PhD thesis in partnership with the University of Exeter and the University of Reading. My research investigates the evidence, use and performance of stone-tipped spear technologies among Neanderthal populations in the European Middle Palaeolithic.